19 June 2008

I hate this ad.

It's only 31 seconds long and has a simple message, but it makes me cry. It hurts, seeing political divisions hurt our country like this. It hurts because I should still be in the Army, but I left it. It hurts because while I'm too much of a chauvanist to want my daughter to serve, I'm hoping next February brings a son who will serve- and I don't want his service (or his life, for that matter) to be wasted. Especially not in the same war that my service was wasted in. I was in OIF2 and the last thing I want to see is my son sweating out OIF26. And OIF28. And OIF30 and OIF32, and as many more as stop-loss brings him to, which will probably be several. If we stay the course too much longer, civilians who happen to walk past recruiting offices are going to get stop-lossed.

This ad covers a lot of ground, with just a few simple, loving words.


Scott said...

I like the turn it made at the end. Made my heart skip!

Thus Spake Ortner said...

This is the most disengenuous ad of all time.

Frankly, find it not just dispicable, but logically ridiculous. I assume that you are working hard to see that ArmySergeant is immediately brought home from out occupation of Germany?

ILO said...

Disingenuous? That baby's grandkids are going to be drafted if we stay there long enough. It turns out I'm not the occupying type and I hope my children (and theirs, etc.) aren't either.

Army Sergeant has already been raised and sent out into the world. She's not my child. My daughter, on the other hand, I hope doesn't join (I said I was a chauvanist). Since I've already got a daughter, I hope the one on the one on the way will be a son, and I hope he does join. If we're still in Iraq, I hope he doesn't- and feels the loss for never having done it.

I served. I went, and when the time came to re-up again, I said "George Bush, when you said 'stay the course,' were you counting on SSG ILO? Because if you were, you can't have me." That's why this as hurts me to watch so much: because I walked away. Because I might have to try to talk my children into not serving at all. Just because a few people managed to steer the country in a bad direction- where serving the country means helping to drive it into the ground.

Those assholes drove me to join IVAW, for God's sake. It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea, but it takes the Bush administration almost no time at all to turn a conservative into a [insert your favorite IVAW term here].

Anonymous said...

...and I thought my counter-recruiting stuff was harsh.


Anonymous said...

let your son make up his own mind on wether or not they want to join the military, mom...otherwise your no different that that fascist dictator obamma.......